Submit Article

Guest Post Policy

Have a great tech topic that you want to share with others? Consider writing a guest post for fonetimes!

I accept guest posts about smartphones, any tech review or your opinion about it, apps and much more techy.

You can also send me your suggestions at [email protected]

Do not send me an unsolicited article before the topic has been approved.

Some ideas for topics:

  • Awesome apps
  • Cool gadgets
  • Smartphone
  • Android/iOS tips
  • Helpful tech tips
  • Any useful review/opinion



  • The article must be your original work, not published elsewhere, including your own website.
  • Guest posts need to be written in English. I don’t require perfect English, but I have to be able to understand what you’re saying. I reserve the right to edit the article for grammar, spelling and readability.
  • Proof your article closely. If your article contains a lot of typos then your chances of publication are significantly reduced.
  • No tech terms. Tech needs to be explained in plain English as simple as possible.
  • Please include headers, if appropriate, to break your article into smaller sections
  • There isn’t a strict word limit, but 500-1000 words should be a target
  • Please include images that you have created yourself or are free to use under Creative Commons. Include a link to the source of the image and give credit where appropriate.
  • Attach image files separately, do not embed them in your article.
  • Affiliate links will not be accepted.
  • Provide an author bio. You may include a Gravatar image and Twitter ID if you have them.
  • You must agree to respond to comments from readers. Readers often have questions about articles and, by writing about the topic, you are their expert.

Note that I have a zero tolerance policy about affiliate links. If you include one in your article or bio, the post will be rejected without an opportunity for you to edit the article to remove the link. I receive many requests for guest posts and I simply do not have the time to deal with posts with affiliate links.
